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CDA Oasis March 11, 2024

February 27, 2013   


Does LA affect patients on antidepressants like Prozac?

The response is provided by Dr. Joonyoung Ji, resident in the Department of Dental Anesthesia at the University of Toronto

What may happen with patients who have a prolonged QT due to their SSRI or Prozac medication when they are administered a local anesthetics-containing epinephrine? Read more…


What factors should I consider when purchasing appointment-confirmation software for my office?

Dr. Jeff Glaizel provided an initial response to this question

When evaluating a specific communication technology solution for your office there are 2 main areas to consider. Read more…


How do I manage vital, irreversibly inflamed teeth with unstoppable bleeding?

This urgent care scenario is presented by the JCDAOasis Team in consultation with Dr. Brian Jafine.

Peer-reviewed content that appeared in the JCDA OASIS “point of care” searchable database at JCDA Oasis Mobile Read more…


How can I promote esthetic papilla formation between adjacent implant-supported restorations on upper anterior teeth?

Dr. Gordon Schwartz from GumDocs provided these initial comments for consideration

The replacement of two adjacent anterior teeth is one of the greater challenges in implant dentistry. The loss of the teeth can result in the loss of the bone and a change in the osseous architecture underlying the soft tissues. In particular, when two implants are placed beside each other, there can be an incompetence of the papilla which can compromise the esthetic results. Read more…


Case Follow-up: To Implant or Not To Implant: What Role Does Imaging Play?

This case is presented by the University of Toronto, Department of Oral Radiology Residents

Check out the follow-up to the implant case presented by the Department of Oral Radiology at the University of Toronto. Four implants were placed in the anterior mandible. Following implant surgery, the patient experienced persistent pain in the implant area and two of the implants failed in the immediate post-operative period. Read more…


Recurrent Herpes Simplex: What Are the Possible Interventions?

This short consult is presented by Dr. Eric Stoopler, DMD; Dr. Arthur Kuperstein, DDS; and Dr. Thomas Sollecito, DMD

When a diagnosis of recurrent herpes simplex labialis RHL) is determined, you have a range of interventions at your fingertips that are based on frequency and severity of lesions. Read more…


What are the hottest topics in endodontics today?

The Journal of Endodontics listed the top 15 articles that were downloaded from the publication online version in 2012. We provide you with links to the Medline abstracts of these 15 articles. Read more…


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